Legal notice
Company Name: NOVARIA CONCERTS SL Tax ID: ESB56531254
Email: info@novaria.cat
NOVARIA CONCERTS SL is the owner of the domain name.
The texts, images, and other content on this website are the property of NOVARIA CONCERTS SL. All logos, industrial designs, and trademarks appearing on this website are part of the intellectual and industrial property rights registered by NOVARIA CONCERTS SL. Any form of exploitation without the express authorization of NOVARIA CONCERTS SL is strictly prohibited. This includes the dissemination, use, transmission, distribution, reproduction, and transformation, either wholly or partially, in any medium or form, of the contents of this website without the prior and express consent of NOVARIA CONCERTS SL, unless stated otherwise, or if the use is personal and does not infringe upon the rights granted to NOVARIA CONCERTS SL under the applicable laws.
To visit our website, it is not necessary to provide any personal information. However, if you wish to receive more information about our services, you must fill out our data collection form to process your request. You are solely responsible for the accuracy of the data provided.
The data you provide will be stored in a file controlled by NOVARIA CONCERTS SL, and as stated at the bottom of the form, you may exercise your rights of access, cancellation, opposition, and rectification by contacting NOVARIA CONCERTS SL.
The processing of personal data of users is in accordance with the provisions of the L.O. 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, as well as Regulation 994/99, on Security Measures (to be replaced by Royal Decree 1720/2007, which approves the development regulation of Law 15/99 of December 13, on Protection of Personal Data).
You may also find software and forms related to the processing of file registrations in the Data Protection Registry of Catalonia, as well as information and models of forms related to the exercise and defense of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition rights (ARCO rights), regulated by Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, LOPD).
Any information related to NOVARIA CONCERTS SL found or distributed on websites, emails, forums, or similar, will only be considered true if it appears or has appeared on this website.
The user acknowledges the existence of viruses, worms, and other harmful elements on the internet. It is the user’s responsibility to have the appropriate tools for detecting and disinfecting them, and NOVARIA CONCERTS SL is not responsible for any damage caused to the user’s equipment during their access to the website.
Accessing the portal requires services and supplies from other service providers in the information society, whose reliability, quality, continuity, and operation are beyond NOVARIA CONCERTS SL’s control. Therefore, the services provided through the portal may be suspended, canceled, or become inaccessible at any time, and NOVARIA CONCERTS SL cannot be held liable for this.
NOVARIA CONCERTS SL is not responsible for any damage or loss of any kind caused to the user by disconnections in telecommunications networks, including suspension, cancellation, or interruption of the service.
It is prohibited to use any of the content and services for illegal purposes or to harm the rights and interests of NOVARIA CONCERTS SL or third parties, or in any way that could damage, disable, overload, deteriorate, or impede the normal use of the portal.
The user reads and accepts the terms of this legal notice.
The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use, which we kindly ask you to read carefully.
By accessing this website and using the materials contained within it, you confirm that you have read and accepted, without reservation, these terms.
Terms of use:
This website contains materials prepared by NOVARIA CONCERTS SL solely for informational purposes. The user should be aware that these materials may be modified, developed, or updated without prior notice. Similarly, any of the services provided, including the website itself, may be interrupted by NOVARIA CONCERTS SL.
Creating hyperlinks to the NOVARIA CONCERTS SL website requires prior written authorization from NOVARIA CONCERTS SL.
NOVARIA CONCERTS SL disclaims all responsibility for the content, advertising, and services available on websites linked to its own.
Requests for authorization must be sent to the following email address: info@novaria.cat.
Any improper use in this matter constitutes a legally punishable offense.
The generic images used on the website come from the image bank https://unsplash.com/ and have been selected exclusively from Unsplash’s free license. For any request to explicitly cite the authorship or to remove an image from the website, please contact us at info@novaria.cat

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